

By far my most popular design, the Variant is a small wave catching machine.  Several years ago the mini simmons craze was in full effect and everyone was buying the short flat rockered plank boards with keel fins that were great for catching tiny waves, but lacked performance and versatility.  Then came the Hull craze, but everyone struggled trying to make them work in beach break. The Variant was born in my attempt to inject more performance and versatility into the mini simmons concept by combining modern design features with the trim and glide of a Hull.

With the pulled in nose, more curve to the outline, step deck, fluted wings, and speed dialer fins, the Variant design fits somewhere between a fish, a stubby and a mini simmons, but it's versatility goes way beyond that.  While it was specifically designed to catch waves as small as a whale fart, the Variant can be surfed up to head high and even overhead.  It's a great option for surfers in need of a board with more volume.  Advanced surfers will love how easy it paddles and catches waves in bigger surfer.  It will replace your longboard and make you question reaching for your shortboard even when the waves are good.  Take a Variant on your next surf trip and you'll never get skunked.  At home it will get you through the worst Jersey summer.

This board is very labor intensive to shape and glass but the results are worth it.

WAVE SIZE:  ankle to chest high

BEST IN:  small summer time mush and peelers

LENGTH:  same as your height to 5 inch shorter

EXPERIENCE: beginner to expert




BOTTOM:  flat with belly in the nose and tail


5'7" x 20 7/8" x 2 3/8"